Jan Martinez
JAN MARTINEZ, Senior Advisor at Lax Sebenius LLC and Senior Lecturer in Law and Director, Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program, at Stanford Law School. Dr. Martinez works with Lax Sebenius on training and capability-building engagements in the pharmaceutical and other industries.

Dr. Martinez practiced corporate law at McKesson Corporation, a pharmaceutical distribution firm, for ten years before moving to Cambridge, Massachusetts. At Harvard, she did research, writing, and teaching in various aspects of negotiation at Harvard University’s graduate schools of business, law, and government. She did work and training on consensus building with the Consensus Building Institute. Her research and consulting focus on international negotiations, facilitation of public disputes (especially in the international trade and environment areas), consensus building training, and curriculum development for clients in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Martinez teaches the Negotiation and Advanced Negotiation courses at Stanford Law School.